Monday, July 23, 2012

Getting at the Roots: Why Are People Hungry in America?

Food beggars

America is home to some of the world’s wealthiest people, companies and institutions. That is why even the thought that anyone is hungry in this country is hard to believe. Almost 46 million out of 311 million people receive food stamps. With the weak economy showing slow, if any signs of recovery, the forecast for a reduction in this number is bleak. The average four-person family on food stamps receives $668 of credit towards groceries. This does not go very far with the rising cost of food. Many, who receive food stamps, still have to go without, and facing a shortage of food on a regular basis. Here are four possible reasons why people in America are what the United States Department of Agriculture defines, “food insecure.”

No Emergency Funds

An increasingly large number of Americans find themselves without adequate emergency funds and living from paycheck to paycheck. They pray that nothing unexpected comes their way. For those without a credit card or a backup fund, an emergency such as car repairs, hospital expenses or home repairs, can stress the food budget tremendously.

Healthy Food is Expensive

To eat right cost plenty. Americans struggling with making ends meet tend to purchase the cheapest food possible with the hopes that it will go a long way. Unfortunately, they don’t get enough fresh food containing fiber, vitamins and minerals that the body truly needs to be healthy. It is a vicious cycle because processed food, although inexpensive, leaves people malnourished and hungry. Whole foods, on the other hand, cost more but provide essential nutrients and do not cause blood sugar spikes that are responsible for hunger.


The poorest people in America live on Indian reservations, in the Mississippi Delta and along the U.S. and Mexican border. In these locations, the stores sell mostly cheap, poor quality food that provides very little in the way of nutrition and a lot of fat, sugar and other filler items. With very few food choices available, people in these poverty stricken regions are incredibly malnourished, have a high rate of obesity, diabetes and heart disease.

Employment Insecurity

Hunger in America is affected by the lack of an adequate minimum wage, one that actually provides enough money to cover living expenses. With a low minimum wage, employees become easily replaced and very little time and effort is put into job skill training. Take for instance a family of four with both parents working a full time job at minimum wage. After taxes, they are still living at or below the poverty level. It is a tragedy that people who work as hard as they can still live a life of struggles.

While there are many people and organizations at the federal, state and local levels working towards reducing the number of food insecure families in America, the struggle continues.

About the Author – Misty Jackson is a freelance writer and social service consultant. When not writing, Misty can be found advising non-profit organizations on efficiency programs such as, 211 software. in the United States

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